Inspire Academy Movement
Part of the Inspire Academy Movement


In deciding where you would like your child to go to school, it is really important to find out as much as you can about the schools themselves. We hold open mornings in October and November for parents of children due to start in Reception the following September.

We are also very happy for parents to make specific appointments to visit the school at any point during the academic year and we would ask you to arrange this with the office.


Admissions Timetable

Online application process opens

5 November 2024

Closing date for online applications

15 January 2025

National offer day: emails sent after 4pm

16 April 2025

Deadline for parents to contact school to accept/refuse

the place offered

30 April 2025

Deadline for lodging appeals

20 May 2025

Pupils start school

September 2025         


Admissions Arrangements

Four Elms Primary School has a published admission number (PAN) of 15 pupils, admitted into the Reception Class. Applications for places will be made in accordance with Kent local authority's co-ordinated admission arrangements and will be made on the Primary Common Application Form (PCAF), provided and administered by the Kent Local Authority.

Further information regarding the schools admission process can be found here: Primary school places - Kent County Council

Appeal Dates and Information

If you were not offered a place, you have the statutory right to appeal the decision.

All appeals for this school are managed by KCC on behalf of the Trust. To make an appeal, please complete the Primary Education Appeals Form.

The timetable for appeals is as follows:

Last day for lodging appeal forms for a place in RECEPTION to start in September 2025              

Midnight on 20 May 2025

All appeal hearings are in two stages, which are usually held on the same day

You will be informed of the date of your appeal at least 14 calendar days before it is heard, and a complete copy of the appeals paperwork will be sent to you at least 7 calendar days before the hearing

Letter from the Clerk informing you of the decision

Usually within 7 calendar days


For further information: 

Guidance for Parents appealing school places


In Year Admission

If your child is at primary school and you wish to move them to Four Elms Primary or you have relocated to the UK, please contact the school to see if we have any availability in your child’s year group and to arrange a visit to the school.  To make an application to Four Elms primary you will need to complete an In Year Admission form.

If you are thinking of moving schools (and have not relocated) we would suggest that you discuss this decision with the Headteacher at your child’s current school in the first instance.

For in year admission appeals please refer to KCC website:

Appeal a school offer - Kent County Council


Please see our Admissions policy below:

Four Elms admissions Arrangements – September 2025

Four Elms admissions arrangements - September 2026