Inspire Academy Movement
Part of the Inspire Academy Movement


In multi academy trusts, the purpose of governance is to provide:

  • strategic leadership
  • accountability and assurance
  • strategic engagement

Our Board of Directors has collective accountability and strategic responsibility for the trust and must focus on ensuring the Trust delivers an excellent education to pupils while maintaining effective financial management and compliance with the Trust’s charitable objects, regulatory, contractual and statutory requirements, and the Trust’s funding agreement.

The Board also has strategic and statutory responsibility for safeguarding, special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) arrangements within, and across, the Trust to ensure the promotion of pupil welfare is paramount, in addition to keeping the estates safe and well-maintained.

To do this effectively, our Board has delegated some responsibilities to Local Governing Bodies via a scheme of delegation.

The role of the Local Governing Body (LGB) is crucial.  Local governors play a vital role as a link between individual schools and the trust board. Our governors, drawn from the local community, parents, staff, and individuals with specific expertise, provide essential oversight and support to the schools they represent. Their voluntary commitment contributes significantly to the effective governance and overall success of our trust, ensuring that educational standards are upheld and strategic decisions align with the best interests of pupils and the community.

If you would like to know more about the work of the LGB, or wish to become a local governor, please contact the clerk at


Governors Information

Full Name Appointing Body Term Start Term End
Jess Fermor Ex-officio 28 Sept 2023 N/A
Suky Tiwana Ex-officio 01 Sept 2024 N/A
Louise Fearn Elected by Parental body 12 Dec 2023 11 Dec 2027
Pam Scott Trust Board 22 Feb 2024 21 Feb 2028
Chris Wright Trust Board 22 Feb 2024 21 Feb 2028
Louis Willumsen Elected by Staff 02 Feb 2024 01 Feb 2028
Grant Rousseau Trust Board 14 Mar 2024 13 Mar 2027
Georgina Fletcher Trust Board 25 April 2024 24 April 2028
Vacancy Elected by Parental body    



Declaration of Business Interests 2024-2025

LGB attendance 2023-2024

Constitution of the Local Governing Bodies

Four Elm's Local Governing Body was established in 2023, and therefore attendance has not been recorded for the new LGB.

Inspire Academy Movement Governance

Details of the Members, Board of Directors, Articles of Association and Scheme of Delegation can be viewed on the Trust governance page here

Financial documentation such as the Funding agreement, Financial Statements and Trust Executive Pay can be viewed on the Trust financial information page here